
VAT & Exemptions

For the official Government rules for VAT & Exemptions for printed products please visit:-


The VAT (Value Added Tax) rules are complicated but below you
will find the basic rules about products that carry VAT and exemptions.

Simplified Printing VAT Rules of Thumb:

Most Flyers & Leaflets are usually zero rated for VAT, which means you don’t need to add VAT to the prices listed. But there are a few exceptions:
VAT is chargeable if the Flyer or Leaflet is designed to be written on.
VAT is chargeable if the Flyer or Leaflet is used to obtain a discount for goods and services i.e. 75% Off Clothes with this Flyer.
VAT is chargeable if the Flyer or Leaflet is used for admission purposes.


VAT exempt

Business Cards:
Carry VAT

Carry VAT

Carry VAT

Carry VAT

Carry VAT

Compliment Slips:
Carry VAT

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